Moral disengagement, feminicide and violence against women: a scope review
desengajamento moral, feminicídio, revisão de escopo, violência contra a mulher, tribunal do júriAbstract
Abstract: Violence against women (VAW) and its lethal outcome, feminicide, are issues that require the attention of the most diverse public and private sectors. The present study carries out a scoping review in order to systematically map existing scientific publications on moral disengagement (MD) within the phenomena of VAW and femicide. Based on the PRISMA-ScR protocol, online databases were used to identify publications, out of which were selected 23 that used the MD perspective to evaluate phenomena related to VAW. The categories discussed were: type of publication, year of publication, language, country of research, objective, type of research, sample, phenomenon of interest, predominant method, presentation of the MDMs, data analysis, findings, simplified critical evaluation and recommendations. Some of the phenomena of interest identified were intimate partner violence, dating violence, sexist advertising, dark personality or dark traits, femicide, among some others. Given the novelty and limitations of this review, some categories did not have such in-depth discussion, yet several suggestions for future studies and theoretical-practical applications were made.
Key words: scope review, moral disengagement, feminicide, violence against women, jury court
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