Author Guidelines
If you are interested in sending a manuscript to RCP you must observe the journal's requirements.
The minimum period of 12 months will be respected for another article by the same author or co-author to be published.
The work must be:
- scientific and presents results of relevant research that contribute to the knowledge in the area of Police Sciences and Public Security.
- unprecedented, that is, it cannot have been submitted for evaluation or published in another journal.
The work must be in Word and should not have notes (footnotes, end of pages, observations, thanks *) or markings (word, review, authorship, personalized data, etc.) that reveal authorship. Thank you notes, or others that identify the authorship, may be added in the final version if the article is approved for publication.
1. Types of Collaboration Accepted
The RCP publishes original articles related to the different areas of Police Science, Public Security, and related areas and adopts specific publication rules, based on the rules defined in the ABNT rules. Authors interested in submitting manuscripts to Revista Ciência & Polícia must strictly follow these rules. Regarding the types of contribution, Revista Ciência & Polícia accepts manuscripts that fall into the following categories:
a. Empirical Studies: These are reports of original research with primary or secondary data sources. Its typical structure consists of different sections that reflect the stages of the investigation process and that appear in the following order: introduction (development of the problem with a review of the empirical literature concerning the problem and presentation of the research purposes); method (description of participants/subjects, instruments, materials/equipment and procedures used to conduct the research); results (report of findings and analyzes); and discussion (summary, interpretation, and implications of the results). This type of contribution is limited to 30 pages, including an abstract, figures, tables, and references. The abstract and the abstract must each have a maximum of 200 words.
b. Literature Review: These are research syntheses or meta-analyzes and consist of a critical evaluation of material already published. The purpose of this type of contribution is for the authors to integrate and evaluate previously published material, considering the progress of the research and seeking to clarify a specific problem. Authors are expected to: (a) clearly define a problem; (b) summarize previous investigations to inform the reader about the state of the research; (c) identify relationships, contradictions, gaps, and/or inconsistencies in the literature; and (d) suggest next research steps to solve the identified problems. There is no predefined section structure for this type of contribution, so authors should seek a coherent format for the text. There must be an organizing argument and not just a compilation of research already carried out. This type of contribution is limited to 30 pages including an abstract, figures, tables, and references. The abstract and the abstract must each have a maximum of 200 words.
c. Theoretical Articles: These are works based on current empirical literature to propose theoretical advances. The authors are expected to present the development of a theory to expand or refine theoretical constructs, present a new theory or analyze an existing theory, present its weaknesses, or demonstrate the advantage of one theory over another. Usually, the authors of contributions of this nature analyze the internal consistency of a theory, as well as its external validity. Sections may vary as a way of seeking consistency. There must be a propositional element in the text. This type of contribution is limited to 30 pages, including an abstract, figures, tables, and references. The abstract and the abstract must each have a maximum of 200 words.
d. Methodological Articles: This involves presenting new methodological approaches, modifying existing methods, or discussing analytical data approaches for the scientific community. The use of empirical data, in this case, serves only as an illustration of the data analysis technique. This type of contribution is limited to 20 pages, including an abstract, figures, tables, and references. The abstract and the abstract must each have a maximum of 200 words. At the discretion of the editor, the following categories of contributions will also be considered for publication: e. Professional Experience Report: Case study, containing analysis of conceptual implications, or description of procedures or intervention strategies, containing methodologically appropriate evidence for evaluating effectiveness, of interest to the performance of psychologists in different areas.
At the discretion of the editor, the following categories of contributions will also be considered for publication:
e. Professional Experience Report: Case study, containing analysis of conceptual implications, or description of procedures or intervention strategies, containing methodologically appropriate evidence for evaluating effectiveness, of interest to the performance of psychologists in different areas. This type of contribution is limited to 20 pages including an abstract, figures, tables, and references. The abstract and the abstract must each have a maximum of 100 words.
f. Technical Note: Description of original research instruments and techniques. This type of contribution is limited to 9 pages, including an abstract, figures, tables, and references. The abstract and the abstract must each have a maximum of 60 words.
g. Review: Critical review of a recently published work (up to 5 years old), guiding the reader as to its characteristics and potential uses. It mustn't be just a summary or review of the chapters of the work, but effectively a criticism. This type of contribution is limited to 6 pages including all elements. There is no Summary.
h. Course Completion Work: This work is presented as a partial requirement for completion of a lato sensu undergraduate or graduate course. The TCC presented and approved by a legally formed board can be submitted to the Revista Ciência & Polícia. This type of contribution has no page limits. The abstract and the abstract must each have a maximum of 200 words.
The RCP fully adopts the publication rules of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (6th edition, 2010). Manuscripts must be written in Portuguese, English, Spanish, or another language at the discretion of the editorial board. As a complementary source to authors, it is recommended to consult online information about the APA publication manual at the following addresses:
Number of pages: Numbering must be sequential, starting from the second page, in Arabic numerals, in the upper right corner, without dashes, dots, or parentheses, according to the categories described above.
- Format: A4;
- Margins: lower and 2 cm right, 3 cm left and top;
- Source: Times New Roman, size 12, spacing equal to 1.5 for text and titles, and spacing 1 for the abstract; titles of the abstract and abstract in capital letters, bold, centralized; in Word file in DOC format sent by the RCP submission system
- Main title: capital, bold, centralized, in Portuguese, English, and Spanish (mandatory).
Subtitles: follow the journal's standard and, in unspecified cases, the ABNT standards for formatting and numbering used by the magazine. By default, the Introduction and Final Considerations are not numbered.
- Abstracts: They must be at the beginning of the article, with their titles and keywords in each required language. It must have up to 200 words in Portuguese, English, and Spanish duly reviewed by a professional (mandatory), as per section.
- Keywords: list objectively, up to 6 keywords in the respective languages, separated by semicolons.
- Illustrations: They must be inserted in the body of the text and also sent in separate files, in JPG, in the required resolutions *. For other non-informed aspects, use NBR 6023 for illustrations.
- Tables follow the recommendations of the IBGE / ABNT Foundation and must be inserted in the text and open for editing. They do not need to be sent, they should only be inserted in the text, and open for editing.
* Resolution of the illustrations:
- 300dpi for images (photos and the like)
- 900dpi for drawings (tables, graphs, diagrams, or other type of illustration made in a drawing tool) .
- References: the standardization of references is based on ABNT standards ( NBR 6023: 2002 - Information and documentation - References - Elaboration). The accuracy and adequacy of references to works that have been consulted and mentioned in the text are the responsibility of the author. The sources must be presented in full. The names of the journals must be described in full, without abbreviations. References must be ordered alphabetically and aligned to the left margin, according to ABNT, with single spacing between lines and double spacing between references.
- Recommendations: It is recommended to observe the ABNT rules regarding the presentation of articles in periodical publications (NBR 6023/2002), presentation of citations in documents (NBR 10.520 / 2002), norm for dating (NBR 5892), progressive numbering of sections of a document (6024/2003) and abstracts (NBR 6028/2003), as well as the IBGE tabular presentation standard.
1. Theme (current and relevant)
2. Objectives (clear and well-defined)
3. Literature review (reflects the state-of-the-art knowledge in the area)
4. Conceptual or theoretical consistency of work (adequate and well structured)
5. Research method used (clearly defined and consistent with the objectives of the work)
6. Analysis of data and results (correct interpretation of data and articulated with the theoretical basis)
7. Conclusions (based on research data, clear and objective)
8. Scientific contribution (for knowledge in the thematic area)
9. Writing and organization of the text (spelling, grammar, clarity, objectivity, and formal structure)
The author may also submit text with the result of a teaching case. Therefore, it is suggested to observe the journal's recommendations for the presentation of Teaching Cases.
4. EVALUATION PROCESS: The articles received undergo a pre-evaluation (desk review) and, if approved by the editorial board, receive a code and wait in line in order of arrival (average term of two to six months). The files are sent to the evaluators in an anonymous copy, without identifying the authors and institutions (blind review). Appraisers have a 30-day delivery deadline. After receiving two opinions, the editorial board sends the results to the authors by email. If revision is required, the delivery deadline is thirty days, which may be extended if necessary. The names of the authors will only be revealed when the work is published. The journal does not accept submissions outside the submission rules. We remind you that all works must be submitted by the RCP Submission and Publication System; the journal does not receive articles sent by other means.
Appreciation by the Editorial Board: The manuscript that falls into the categories described above is accepted for analysis assuming that: (a) the same work has not been published and is not being submitted for publication in another journal; (b) all persons listed as authors have approved their submission for publication in the journal Ciência & Polícia; (c) any person named as a source of personal communication has approved the quote; (d) the authors followed all ethical procedures recommended by the standards adopted by the Journal. The Editor-in-Chief of Science & Police carries out the first evaluation of the work. It consists of a rigorous analysis of the adequacy of the manuscript to the Journal's norms, considering especially two aspects: type of contribution (its main characteristics, defined in this document and the ABNT rules).
The manuscripts that are considered as not adhering to the standards will have their processing interrupted and the authors informed of the decision. The works that meet the standards will be sent to the Editorial Board, which may use ad hoc consultants at its discretion. Authors will be notified of the acceptance or rejection of their manuscripts. Minor changes to the text may be made by the Direction or by the Editorial Board of the Journal. When the author deems it necessary to make substantial changes, the author will be notified and responsible for making them, returning the reformulated work within the stipulated period.
A RCP uses a CCBY type license (, that is, allows outras pessoas distribuam, remixem, adaptem e desenvolvam seu trabalho, mesmo comercialmente, since sejam credizadas pela criação original. Being thus, the authors declare that, in case of aceitação do artigo, it is agreed that the author's directives to the referents will become the exclusive property of Revista Ciência & Polícia, forbidden any reproduction, total or partial, in any other part of the disclosure, Printed or eletrônico, if requested and prior authorization is requested, obtained, please state or thank the Magazine Ciência & Polícia do Instituto Superior de Ciências Policiacia da Polícia Militar do Distrito Federal.
Submission Preparation Checklist
All submissions must meet the following requirements.
- The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
- The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
- Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
- The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
- The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.
Política padrão de seção
Copyright Notice
Os artigos publicados na RCP ficam sob uma licença Creative Commons (CC BY - 4.0). Ao submeter seu trabalho à revista você concordo com os termos. O artigo pode ser compartilhado e adaptado, para qualquer fim, sendo obrigatória a indicação de eventuais alterações e a atribuição da autoria.
Os autores mantêm os direitos autorais de seus artigos sem restrições, mas concedem ao periódico o direito de primeira publicação.
A RCP utiliza os programas CopySipder e Plagiarism Detector para identificação de plágios. A identificação de condutas inapropriadas, tais como, plágio, manipulação de citações, falsificação de dados etc. em manuscritos submetidos ou artigos já publicados, será conduzida de acordo com as diretrizes do Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).
Privacy Statement
The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.